Monday, April 28, 2008

Easter at the Fortuna High School Gym

Here is a link to the Eureka Reporter article that appeared on March 22, 2008.

The “Welcome to Hydesville” population sign indicates that 790 people reside in Hydesville, yet many more than that are expected to gather for one giant Easter service at 10 a.m today. The Hydesville Community Church has moved the service to the Fortuna High School Damon Gym to accommodate the crowd, a church news release stated.
Local artist Penny Fregeau will be painting an image during the service that ties in with the mix of Christian music that also features a local choir. Senior Pastor Michael Delamarian III, a 25-year veteran of Easter services in the county preaches for both guests and the members of his church.
“Most people find the messages relevant, interesting and even entertaining at times,” said Janet Harward, a regular attendee at the Hydesville Community Church.
The church’s more than 100-year-old facility fills weekly for three services, but still will not handle a group of the size that comes for Easter, the release stated.
Hydesville Church offers a children’s program during the Easter service.
For more information on the Easter service or regular church activities, phone 707-768-3767 or visit HCC’s Web site at: Their regular location is 3296 Highway 36. Regular Sunday service times are: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

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