Monday, April 28, 2008

Easter at the Fortuna High School Gym

Here is a link to the Eureka Reporter article that appeared on March 22, 2008.

The “Welcome to Hydesville” population sign indicates that 790 people reside in Hydesville, yet many more than that are expected to gather for one giant Easter service at 10 a.m today. The Hydesville Community Church has moved the service to the Fortuna High School Damon Gym to accommodate the crowd, a church news release stated.
Local artist Penny Fregeau will be painting an image during the service that ties in with the mix of Christian music that also features a local choir. Senior Pastor Michael Delamarian III, a 25-year veteran of Easter services in the county preaches for both guests and the members of his church.
“Most people find the messages relevant, interesting and even entertaining at times,” said Janet Harward, a regular attendee at the Hydesville Community Church.
The church’s more than 100-year-old facility fills weekly for three services, but still will not handle a group of the size that comes for Easter, the release stated.
Hydesville Church offers a children’s program during the Easter service.
For more information on the Easter service or regular church activities, phone 707-768-3767 or visit HCC’s Web site at: Their regular location is 3296 Highway 36. Regular Sunday service times are: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Times-Standard Newspaper

Times-Standard Newspaper, Eureka, California
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Where Art and Faith Intersect
Penny Fregeau, a local artist and director of women's ministry and counseling at Hydesville Community Church, paints on a 5-foot-by-6-foot canvas during an Easter worship service held at Fortuna High School on Easter Sunday. Fregeau completed the entire canvas during the two-hour service, during which there was also a worship band and choir performing, followed by the preaching of the Rev. Michael Delamarian III. Fregeau is also involved in the creative arts through the church in skit productions and other areas of creative endeavor, and said her roots in art help her to communicate her faith. "The North Coast's pristine natural beauty and the slower-paced lifestyle provide fertile soil in which the creative spirit can grow", she said. Fregeau is organizing a "High Tea and Arts & Crafts Program and Show" that will feature other people's creative talents, to be held at 3 p.m. April 26th at the Ferndale Community Center. Individuals from the church's women's ministry will share paintings, sculptures,photographs, quilts, embroidery and more in this community-oriented show. In addition, a "high tea" will be served. Fregeau will speak on the intersection of art and faith. The public is invited. Tickets are a $10 donation and are available through Hydesville Community Church at 3296 State Route 36 in Hydesville, or call the church office at 768-3767 for more information.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


“The word disturbed is often associated with mental illness and instability. We say, “He’s disturbed,” when we describe someone who reacts in an overly emotional way or appears troubled emotionally. I want to redefine this word, because I believe that God is looking for some disturbed people. He is searching for men and women, students, and young adults who will allow Him to disturb them by making them truly see the world in which we live – so disturbed that they will be compelled to do something about what they see…But if we’re not disturbed by the world in which we live, we will be consumed with the trivial, the insignificant, and the temporary. We will spend our days pursuing all the wrong goals, living by the wrong measurement of success, evaluating our legacy by the wrong standard.”
-Kay Warren from Dangerous Surrender

There are a lot of things in life that can be disturbing. But when they don’t affect us directly, well, it’s easy to have a tinge of compassion, and then go on our merry way. However, when God allows us to suffering to invade our world in a personal way, we have a decision to make. Will we allow this trouble, tragedy or heart ache that has come into our life to be God’s tool to mold us and compel us to do something that will make some good out of a bad situation, or will we wallow in our troubles, retreat inside our shells and let it corrode our insides?

Support groups can be a first step toward letting that which is disturbing in our lives out into the open of a safe confidential group that can understand what we are going through, care for us, listen to us, and pray for us. By being in a support group we are not only ministered to, we help others by listening with caring hearts, acknowledging the hurts of others and share how God has helped us through similar situations. We hear personal testimonies of God’s care during difficult times. As we draw strength and receive the comfort and emotional healing that the Lord provides, we are able to reach out to others and help them as they go through similar circumstances. Pastor Rick Warren says, “God never wastes a hurt.” Helping others as they go through a disturbing time turns hurt into a vehicle of healing for someone else.

We have a few different support groups at Hydesville Community Church and hope to greatly enlarge these groups of care. There is a cancer support group, a group for families affected by disabilities and "Porch Light." Porch Light is a group that deals with highly disturbing life issues. Porch Light is a support group for hurting parents of wayward teens or adults. Parenting is a great responsibility and challenge, yet our culture works against us in many ways. The temptations our young people face are greater today than ever. This county wrestles with the enormous influence of drug and alcohol use. The drive for independence, lack of good judgment in choices, the normal growing up process, medical issues, influence of peers, stress, pressures and sometimes outright rebellion can make an unhealthy combination that can turn parenting into a heart ache and sometimes a nightmare.

So many of these life issues exist “under the radar”. We don’t usually make small talk in everyday conversation about things like a teen or young adults rebellious attitudes, rejection of faith, stealing, struggles with substance abuse, pornography, homosexuality, heart aches in relationships, cutting themselves, eating disorders, crisis pregnancies, dangerous behaviors, or types of mental illness. Yet these disturbing things are all around us and happen with people we know and people we dearly love. If you are a parent to a young person who is going through a stormy time of life we want you to know there is hope in God. He cares deeply. When we truly see the world in which we live and come to terms with the reality of the pain people have around us, God can use us and compel us to do something about what we see. Meeting with people who are going through similar hurts and heartaches offer us the opportunity to minister to one another and to help make a difference by stepping out of the darkness of disturbance and into the healing light of Christ. We welcome you to Porch Light. We meet the 4th Sunday of the month at 6:30 in the evenings in the living room of “The Hut” (the house next door to the church). If you, or someone you know would benefit from this support group, we invite you to attend. For more information on this group, or other support group that Hydesville Community Church offers, contact Penny Fregeau, Director of Women’s Ministry & Counseling – (707)768-3767.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20b

Monday, April 7, 2008

High Tea & Master Peace Arts & Crafts Program & Show

We welcome you to come to the High Tea & Master Peace Arts and Crafts Program & Show in Ferndale. See a variety of artistic creations from many facets of arts and crafts. Talk with the artists and craftswomen about their work. Enjoy a High Tea experience. Taste some delicious culinary delights by master baker Stephanie Baldwin. Listen to music that creates a pleasing ambiance. Hear about the intersection of art and faith. An afternoon of culture presented by the R.I.S.E. Women's Ministries of Hydesville Community Church. Tickets available &$10 donation) by calling 768-3767. Saturday, April 26th at 3 PM in the Ferndale Community Center in the Victorian Village of Ferndale.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Introducing Bella

We recently invested in some exercise equipment. Why? Because of the little girl you see pictured to the left. She's our granddaughter. We want to live long and healthy lives so we can see her grow, watch her first smiles, rock her to sleep, play hide and go seek and sing her 'Jesus loves me.' She is the sweetest thing. Thank you God for this precious child in our lives.